all postcodes in DD5 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD5 4AA 86 21 56.481927 -2.818108
DD5 4AB 8 0 56.483575 -2.816179
DD5 4AE 7 7 56.481724 -2.817568
DD5 4AF 20 0 56.480794 -2.814171
DD5 4AG 39 0 56.483686 -2.814249
DD5 4AH 28 0 56.483837 -2.813213
DD5 4AJ 34 0 56.484172 -2.81145
DD5 4AL 29 0 56.483559 -2.810333
DD5 4AN 31 0 56.483151 -2.809593
DD5 4AP 7 0 56.483625 -2.808467
DD5 4AQ 7 0 56.484412 -2.8104
DD5 4AR 21 0 56.484328 -2.808092
DD5 4AS 12 0 56.483054 -2.809169
DD5 4AT 10 0 56.483333 -2.811887
DD5 4AU 3 0 56.483013 -2.81136
DD5 4AW 17 6 56.482236 -2.812091
DD5 4AX 4 1 56.481512 -2.812696
DD5 4AY 27 0 56.482499 -2.813038
DD5 4AZ 10 0 56.481517 -2.814884
DD5 4BA 23 8 56.481296 -2.815643